Wednesday, July 30, 2008

More about nicotine.

The nicotine in inhaled tobacco smoke moves from the lungs, into the bloodstream and up to the smoker's brain within 7 to 10 seconds. Once there, nicotine triggers a number of chemical reactions that create temporary feelings of pleasure for the smoker, but these sensations are short-lived, subsiding within minutes. As the nicotine level drops in the blood, smokers feel edgy and agitated -- the start of nicotine withdrawal.

So, in order to relieve the discomforts, smokers light up another cigarette...and then another..and another. And so it goes -- the vicious cycle of nicotine addiction. One cigarette is never enough, a fact that every smoker knows all too well.

In order to quit smoking successfully for the long term, it helps to understand the nature of nicotine addiction and what it takes to break free of it. In fact, smokers are often surprised to learn that they are addicted to a substance. Many of us believed that smoking was just a bad habit; something we could stop easily when we decided it was time.

Let's take a look at how nicotine affects brain chemistry and begin the educational process that will help us battle this addiction to the ground, once and for all.
Nicotine and AdrenalineWhen a person inhales cigarette smoke, the nicotine in the smoke is rapidly absorbed into the blood and starts affecting the brain within 10 seconds. The result is the release of adrenaline, the "fight or flight" hormone. Physically, adrenaline increases a person's heart rate, blood pressure and restricts blood flow to the heart muscle. When this occurs, the smoker experiences rapid, shallow breathing and the feeling of a racing heartbeat. Adrenaline also instructs the body to dump excess glucose into the bloodstream.

Nicotine and InsulinNicotine also inhibits the release of insulin from the pancreas, a hormone that is responsible for removing excess sugar from a person's blood. This leaves the smoker in a slightly hyperglycemic condition, meaning he has more sugar in his blood than is normal. High blood sugar acts as an appetite suppressant, which may be why smokers think their cigarettes reduce hunger.

Nicotine and Dopamine Nicotine activates the same reward pathways in the brain that other drugs of abuse such as cocaine or amphetamines do, although to a lesser degree. Research has shown that nicotine increases the level of dopamine in the brain, a neurotransmitter that is responsible for feelings of pleasure and well-being. The acute effects of nicotine wear off within minutes, so people must continue dosing themselves frequently throughout the day to maintain the pleasurable effects of nicotine and to prevent withdrawal symptoms.
The Chemicals in CigarettesIn addition to nicotine, cigarette smoke is composed of more than 4000 toxic chemicals and tar. The tar in a cigarette, which can be as much as 22 mg in a high-tar cigarette to 7 mg in a low-tar cigarette, exposes smokers to an increased risk of lung cancer, emphysema, and bronchial disorders.The carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke increases the chance of cardiovascular diseases. The Environmental Protection Agency has concluded that secondhand smoke causes lung cancer in adults and greatly increases the risk of respiratory illnesses in children and sudden infant death.

1E3<3 ]|[ 6:13 AM

Monday, July 28, 2008

10 Steps to quit!

I found this webpage in yahoo.This is the link:
Enjoy seeing this webpages!

Make a date
First, circle your giving up date on a calendar. Second, draw up an action plan. Then decide what methods you feel will work for you and look into them before your quit date.

In the bin
Get rid of all your smoking accessories. Throw out all your ashtrays, lighters, half-finished packs, tobacco

Be inspired
Whether people have given up for one day, two weeks or a year, their success stories are sure to give you encouragement.

Drink up
Try to drink between six and eight glasses of water a day. If you want to make it more interesting, try a few different flavours of a sugar-free drink.

Spotting triggers
Everyone has their reason to smoke. Get some tips on recognising what they might be and taking steps to ignore them.

Don't be alone
Our Stop Smoking Groups are a great way to take the first steps towards giving up. You'll get support, advice and you might even make some new friends!

Join the community
Our message board is somewhere you can share your achievements, frustrations and much more. Why not sign up now?

Change your routine
Stop going to the shop where you bought your cigarettes. It's probably a good idea to avoid places where you would normally smoke. Try doing something totally different.

Treat yourself
This is really important. If you can, put aside the money you save by not smoking to buy something special. It can be big or small - just something you wouldn't have normally.

One day at a time
Every day without cigarettes is good for you, your heart, your health and your family and friends. But, if you do lapse, learn from the experience. You didn't fail, you just need more time to succeed!

1E3<3 ]|[ 6:04 AM